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British Mature Sex is the largest and fastest growing mature sex contacts and mature adult dating network. It's 100% free to join and there is NO subscription charge and NO monthly fee. Simple to use with no commitment.

No, we are not a subscription site. We will never ask you to pay a monthly fee. Many people prefer not to be tied into a subscription or a membership so we give our members the freedom to cancel their account whenever they choose.

No, we will never ask you to pay any monthly fees.

Yes, you can join the site without any commitment and cancel your account whenever you choose to.

Yes. We anonymise all message to provide our members with anonymity and safety. All of our servers are secured with industry standard physical and software dedicated firewalls as well as military grade anti-virus protection. All of our servers are certified by AVG and Google and are audited annual to ensure our safety measures and procedures are up-to-date and sufficiently robust.

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